Our weight naturally fluctuates over time and throughout our life. Whether you are gradually losing weight or on a weight loss journey, for most women, your bra size may also fluctuate as you do so. Your breast tissue and volume will likely fluctuate as you lose weight.

If you are on a weight loss journey, it is crucial to make sure that you are wearing the correct bra size. Your cup size and band size will most likely change if you lose weight, so it is important to keep this in mind. The last thing you want is to be wearing uncomfortable bras in the wrong bra size.

Below are five tips for buying bras during weight loss. We go through everything you need to know about buying bras in the correct bra size here.

Tip 1: Get a Professional Bra Fitting

Your bra size may change as you lose weight, so it's important to get a professional bra fitting every few months. You can visit a bra fitter at a department store or at your local lingerie boutique. They will be happy to help you find a new bra in the correct size.

If getting professionally fitted isn't something you are comfortable with, you can also measure your bra size at home, all you'll need is a tape measure and our Bra Size Calculator.

If you have recently lost weight, it's safe to say that your breast tissue, and therefore your bra size, has fluctuated as well. Your cup size and band size may have changed, so it is important to make sure you are wearing your actual bra size. A new bra that fits well will make all the difference in comfort and support.

Tip 2: Choose Bras with Adjustable Straps

As your breasts change size, you'll need to be able to adjust the straps on your bra to keep it comfortable. Losing weight means you will likely need to adjust how your bras fit. Whether this means adjusting the band from the loosest hook to the tightest or adjusting the straps for more lift, having the right bra with adjustability is important.

Look for a T-shirt bra with adjustable straps and closures. As the bra stretches out over time and as you lose weight, having the option to adjust it is key.

Tip 3: Look for Bras with Soft Cups

Bra styles with molded cups can be uncomfortable and restrictive when you're losing weight. The same goes for bras with underwires. Soft cup bras are more forgiving and will accommodate your body and breast tissue as you lose weight.

There are many everyday bras with soft cups. We recommend this style bra as a comfortable option for your weight loss journey.

Tip 4: Buy Bras in a Variety of Sizes

It's also a good idea to have a few everyday bras in different sizes on hand, so you can always wear the one that fits best. Though this may not be attainable for everyone, having a bra in a band size or cup size below your current size is always a good idea. Remember, your bra size will fluctuate over time and throughout weight loss, and it's easy to wear the wrong bra if you only have one in your previous bra size.

As a general rule, you should be able to fit no more than two fingers underneath your bra band. The band provides the majority of the support, so having a proper-fitting band size is key to having a supportive bra.

Tip 5: Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you're not sure what size or style of bra to buy, ask a salesperson for help. They can help you find a bra that fits and is comfortable. You can also chat with bra experts online who will assist you in finding the right bra for you.

Remember, not every bra will work for every breast shape or bra size. Trying on an array of different bra styles and bra sizes is the best way to find the perfect bra for you.

Maybe minimizer bras are the best option for you, or a wireless T-shirt bra. The best way to find out is by trying on an array of different styles to find your perfect new bra!

Is it normal to not fit into your bra after losing weight?

Yes, it is normal for your bra to not fit after weight loss. Like the rest of your body, your breast size and shape will fluctuate if you are losing weight. For this reason, it's important to remeasure your bra size and prioritize buying bras that fit your current body shape.

How do you buy a bra after losing weight?

After weight loss, you will likely need to purchase new bras. For starters, you should remeasure your bra size to ensure your new bras fit just right. Even if you think you've only gone down one band size or one cup size, it's a good idea to grab your tape measure and take your new bust and band measurements so your new everyday bra is a perfect fit.

Are there bras that fit a range of bra sizes?

Yes, the Front-Closure Cotton T-Back Comfort Bra is a great option if you are currently losing weight. This style is the perfect weight loss bra as it has stretch cups that adapt to multiple, changing, or uneven breast sizes, meaning this bra will fit you throughout your weight loss journey.

About the Author

Maeve Gesualdi is a Fordham University alumna where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Fashion Studies. Based in New York City, Maeve is part of the marketing team at Glamorise. Maeve regularly interacts with customers via social media and product reviews, as well as with influencers and models. She is constantly getting feedback on our products as well as gaining a better understanding of what women in our category struggle with and/or look for when searching for a bra. Aside from writing, she is passionate about all things travel and fashion.

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