If you are not used to wearing front-closure bras, you might not be familiar with how to fasten them. There many are different type of front closure bras, but those with snap clasps, a zipper, or a hook and eye closure are the most popular. Front-closure bras are great for women with mobility issues or anyone who does not want to reach behind them to fasten their bra.

Since most bras are back closure bras, a front-closure bra can take some getting used to. A front-closure bra with a snap closure can be difficult to maneuver if you aren't familiar with it. Glamorise underwire front-closure bras all feature snap clasps that fasten with one click. Watch the video below for a tutorial on how to properly fasten this type of front-closure bras:

Different Types of Front Close Bra Clasps

In addition to front-closure bras with snap clasps, there are also front-closure bras that feature hook-and-eye closures. Glamorise MagicLift front-closure bras feature columns of hook-and-eyes. This front-closure bra type usually features two columns of hooks which allows you to adjust the tightness of the band as needed.

Lastly, there are front-closure bra styles that have a zipper closure. Zipper closure bras gently pull closed with one zip. These bras often have an added clasp or hook inside for security.

How to Close a Front Close Bra

If you have never worn a snap front-closure bra before, it may be a bit tricky to fasten at first. Firstly, place your arms through the straps of the bra. Position the bra cups comfortably on your body and then hold each side of the closure in your hands and slide the hook piece over the top and through the clasp. Then, push each side forward away from your body until you hear a click.

For a front-closure bra with hook-and-eye closures, fasten them the same way you would fasten them behind your body, just in the front. The closure should lie comfortably between your breasts and be as flat against your chest as possible, depending on your cup size. For women with larger breasts, the closure may not lie flat against your body, but that is completely fine.

And for a front-closure bra with a zipper closure, simply secure the zipper and zip up towards your chin.

Once you've closed your front-closure bra, lean forward to adjust your bra cups as needed. Make sure that the bra band is lying flat against your back and isn't riding up or rolling under. If it is, loosen your bra straps.

How to Open a Front Close Bra

To open a front-closure bra, simply reverse the steps you took to fasten the bra. For a bra with a snap clasp, bend the two side away from each other, and slide the top hook up and out of the other.

Simply unhook your hook-and-eye front-closure bra hook by hook, and unzip your zipper front-closure bra to unfasten it.

Front-Closure Bra Fit Tips

Since you cannot adjust the band tightness on a front-closure bra in the same way you can adjust back closure bras, it is important to ensure you are wearing the right size. If your front-closure bras do not fit correctly, they will not provide the support you need.

Generally speaking, you should be able to fit one to two fingers underneath the band of your front-closure bra — no more and no less. The band of your bra provides the majority of the support, so it is crucial that it fits properly.

About the Author

Maeve Gesualdi is a Fordham University alumna where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Fashion Studies. Based in New York City, Maeve is part of the marketing team at Glamorise. Maeve regularly interacts with customers via social media and product reviews, as well as with influencers and models. She is constantly getting feedback on our products as well as gaining a better understanding of what women in our category struggle with and/or look for when searching for a bra. Aside from writing, she is passionate about all things travel and fashion.

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