Many women prefer the ease of wearing front-closure bras versus back closure bras. Front-closure bra styles are a comfortable option as they fasten in the front so you don't need to reach behind you to close your bra.

With that being said, there are a few challenges that can come with wearing front-closure bras. If you don't have the right bra size or aren't wearing the right bra style for your body type, you may experience some bra fit issues. Keep reading below to learn the challenges with front button bras & how to solve them.

1. Your Bra Band Doesn't Fit Correctly

One of the most important factors of wearing a front-closure bra is having the correct band size. Unlike back closure bras, many front close bras usually do not have a band adjustment, so having the proper band size is crucial. Having the proper bra band fit is especially important if your front-closure bra has just one clasp. There are some front-closure bras with multiple columns of hook and eye closures, but having only one or two adjustments is more common.

If your bra band is too big, it will roll or ride up and will not provide enough support. Since your bra band provides the majority of the bra's support, having the proper fit is crucial. More so, having a good-fitting band in a new bra is crucial as your bra stretches out over time. The proper band size will provide the support you need.

2. The Clasp on Your Bra Often Comes Undone

If the clasp on your bra comes undone when you move or lay down, this might be a sign that your bra band is the wrong size. Wearing the wrong band size will not allow your band or center gore to lie flat against your body, and can cause the clasp or the hook and eye closures to come undone if they do not sit flat.

As a general rule, your bra band should fit comfortably snug around your body. You should be able to fit one or two fingers underneath it when it's fastened. If it feels too loose, it probably is. To confirm your bra size, we recommend using our Bra Size Calculator.

3. Your Bra Straps Slip Off Your Shoulders

There is nothing more frustrating than the feeling of bra straps slipping off your shoulders. If you have narrow or sloping shoulders, you may deal with this issue quite frequently. However slipping straps can also result from wearing a bra with cups that are too big and sit too widely, therefore slipping more easily.

This can be an issue with front closure bras as well as back closure bras. If this is a common issue for you, we recommend trying out a front-closure bra with racerback or T-back straps.

4. Your Bra Cup Gaps or Overflows

If your breasts fall out of your bra cups, you likely need a different cup size. Your bra cups should comfortably cover your breast tissue. If your breasts are spilling out over the top, or if your cups are gapping and your breast tissue doesn't fill it out, you likely need a different cup size.

Wearing the proper cup size will not only make your bra fit better, but it will feel better as well. Many women unknowingly wear the wrong cup size, which can lead to fit issues with front-closure bras.

5. Your Bra Doesn't Suit Your Body Type

It goes without saying that not every bra style will work for every woman. Whether you are a petite women with smaller breasts or if you wear a larger size, finding the perfect fit for you is the most important factor. We all have different body types and breast shapes, so a style that works for woman may not work for the next.

If you have larger breasts and prefer a full coverage front-closure bra, you will likely have a style with hook and eye closures that can adjust to your fit. Or if you like the comfort a wireless bra provides, go with that style. If you need a little extra support, an underwire front-closure bra is likely the best option for you.

Concluding Thoughts

A front-closure bra is a great option if you're searching for a supportive bra. With many different styles to choose from, there are front-closure bras for women of all breast sizes.

If you wear front-closure bras and find yourself experiencing any of these fit issues, try remeasuring your size to ensure you have the right bra fit. Or perhaps you even need to try a different style altogether. You can browse our complete collection of front-closure bras. Also check out our best front-closure bras list to see the top bras that we recommend.

Like any regular bra style, you can experience bra problems with a front open bra. The most important factor in avoid bra fit issues is having the right fit. Your bra will fit and support you best if you're wearing the proper bra size. To confirm your size, we recommend using our Bra Size Calculator.



About the Author

Maeve Gesualdi is a Fordham University alumna where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Fashion Studies. Based in New York City, Maeve is part of the marketing team at Glamorise. Maeve regularly interacts with customers via social media and product reviews, as well as with influencers and models. She is constantly getting feedback on our products as well as gaining a better understanding of what women in our category struggle with and/or look for when searching for a bra. Aside from writing, she is passionate about all things travel and fashion.



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