It’s no secret that exercise is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. As someone who struggled with mental health in her teen years, yoga instructor Echo Elliot knows firsthand that getting your body moving isn’t just great for staying fit, but helps keep your mind sharp as well. We recently caught up with Echo on all things yoga, her favorite poses for alleviating back and shoulder pain, and what she’s most excited to do post-pandemic.

Hi, Echo! We’re so excited to have you on the blog. Can you share a bit about what led you to practicing yoga?

Hey! Thank you so much for having me. I started practicing yoga as a teen. I was struggling with my mental health and my mother suggested hot yoga. I realized very young that yoga was a tool to help me heal me of my past traumas where therapy wouldn’t. It’s been over 12 years and I still fall more and more in love with the teachings of yoga.

What do you love about yoga and being a yoga teacher?

I love the diversity of practice and find that every day the practice can offer us something new. I’m a big advocate of the emotional connection to it and how we can utilize the practice to work on ourselves. As a yoga teacher, I love the freedom to be creative with sequences, the opportunity to connect with incredible people and encourage others to embrace and enjoy all aspects of the practice.

What advice would you give someone trying out yoga for the first time?

I think observing the practice is really important and not worrying about the poses so much. It’s a yoga practice, so every time we get on the mat is a chance just to be present and with ourselves — and find a community that is welcoming and encouraging.

Where can our readers get access to your classes?

I teach mostly online and you can find me doing some live streams on my Instagram page @echolikesyoga, but if you are in the U.K. I teach in person in London and the Midlands.

What is your favorite Glamorise sports bra? Tell us why you love it!

The No-Sweat Mesh Sports Bra is fantastic, it's so supportive and amazing for yoga. For yoga I like to wear bras that have a free feeling as they allow me a large range of movement and this one offers that. I do a lot of inversions and handstands when I practice and found this bra keeps the girls in place. My second favorite is the MagicLift Seamless Sports Bra. The shape and fit of this one is so beautiful and flattering and again really comfortable for my practice.

As someone with a larger chest, what are your go-to yoga moves or stretches to relieve back pain? Our readers need to know!

I found yoga is wonderful for my body and I practice yin yoga and dynamic yoga as it isn’t high-impact on my upper body. For releasing shoulders, I work with a shoulder roll over pose where we lie on our front, extend one arm out and roll over. I usually stay for 3-4 minutes. As well as this, cow face arms and backbends have been really helpful for me. I noticed when I started to add more strength training into my yoga practice it has been really beneficial, too.

Besides practicing yoga, how else do you love to spend your free time?

I’ve recently moved to London so I’m exploring all the parks and going on lots of adventures around the city.

Do you have any exciting projects or plans in the works?

I’m going to be running some retreats and workshops abroad and in the U.K. I’m so excited to head to the beaches and see the sunshine again!

What are some words you live by?

“Kindness is universal.” Being kinder than necessary might help others see the goodness in humanity.

Last but not least, what are you most excited to do everyday again post-pandemic?

I will sit in a coffee shop, people watch, and pretend to do work. Like I’m doing now!

Author: Maeve Gesualdi
Last updated on: 8/4/21
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