Mehr als nur ein BH
Von hilfreichen Tipps zu Body Positivity
Ihre Quelle für alles, was Kurven hat.

Semaglutide: Weight Loss and Its Impact on Breasts
Learn how rapid weight loss from Semaglutide use can affect breasts & ways to minimize sagging.

GLP-1: Weight Loss and Its Impact on Breasts
Learn how rapid weight loss from GLP-1 use can affect breasts & ways to minimize sagging.

Is There Such Thing as Ozempic Breasts?
Learn how rapid weight loss from Ozempic use can affect breasts & ways to minimize sagging.

How To Stop Breasts Sagging When Losing Weight
Learn why sagging happens after weight loss & tips to firm & support your breasts for a perkier look.

Trying on Bras: Here are 6 Ways to Make it Less Stressful
Trying on bras can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! Check out the 6 best ways to make the process less stressful, from helpful tips to finding the right fit. Get the expert advice you need to make shopping for bras a breeze!

Ihre Brust quillt aus dem Körbchen? Wir erklären, warum und was Sie dagegen tun können.

The Benefits of Minimizer Bras & Why You Need One

Wir erklären die BH-Größen: Das bedeuten die Kombinationen aus Buchstaben und Zahlen

Buying Bras Online - Intimidating But Simple

What Color Bra Should You Wear Under White? Here’s How to Decide
There’s a bit of debate on which color bra you should wear under white clothing. Here we’ll explore the issue and see what the experts have to say.

Are Wide Strap Bras the Best Option to Eliminate Marks?

Breasts Bouncing While Running? Here’s What To Do
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