If you have recently lost weight or are in the process of losing weight, your breast shape and size might also be affected. This is completely normal, as weight loss affects your entire body. Keep reading below where we go through how weight loss can affect your breast size and shape.

Breasts: A Composition of Tissues

Breasts are made up of a variety of different breast tissue, including glandular tissue, fibrous tissue, and fatty tissue, which is the main tissue that determines your breast size. Since the majority of breast tissue is made up of fatty tissue, it is subject to the bodily changes that come with weight loss.

If I Lose Weight Will My Breasts Get Smaller?

If you are losing weight, your breast tissue can shrink along with you. Since breasts are made up of fatty tissue, you may find that your breast size decreases as your body weight decreases.

If you have lost weight rapidly, depending on how much weight you have lost, you might find that your breasts have a deflated appearance or that your breasts sag more than they used to. Sagging breasts can be a result of rapid weight loss and this is a completely normal occurrence.

If you find yourself with sagging breasts after losing weight and are unhappy with the appearance, you can look into a breast augmentation surgical procedure to restore volume and shape to your breasts.

Beyond Weight Loss: Other Factors Affecting Breasts

If you lose weight, chances are that your breast size has also shrunken. But there are many other factors that can affect breast size and shape.

Women's bodies go through many different stages throughout life, all of which can impact your breasts. Various hormonal changes throughout life, like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can all affect your breasts.

If you have been pregnant and have breastfed, chances are your breasts are no longer as voluminous or perky as they used to be. Even menstruation can affect your breast size month to month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I measure my bra size when I lose weight?

Yes, if you have recently lost weight or are actively losing weight, you should re-measure your bra size. Weight loss usually results in losing fatty tissue that makes up your breasts, so you bra size will likely change as well. Having a well fitting bra is important to getting the support you need, so we recommend remeasuring your bra size after weight loss.

Will my breasts get smaller if I lose weight?

Yes, it is possible that your breasts will get smaller during weight loss. Weight loss affects fat composition throughout your body, and since your breasts are also made up of some fat tissue, if you burn fat your breast size can also shrink.

If you have recently lost weight but would still like your breasts to be smaller, consider breast reduction surgery. A breast reduction can reduce breast size by several cup sizes. A board certified plastic surgeon can also perform a breast lift and remove any excess skin that you might have after losing weight, which interests some women.

Does losing weight affect bra size?

Yes, it is likely that losing weight will affect your bra size, but it does not always guarantee a major size change. Chances are that your band size and cup size will be affected by losing weight. However some women have naturally large breasts that will not change very much through losing weight alone. If you are interested in having smaller breasts, look into a breast reduction surgery.

Final Thoughts

If you lose a significant amount of weight, chances are your breast size and shape may also change. Many women who undergo weight loss find that their bra size changes, as breasts shrink during weight loss. If you are looking for a new bra after weight loss, check out our guide to buying bras when losing weight.

If you are unhappy with your breast size or shape for any reason, there are surgical procedure options that you can undergo. If you want a larger breast appearance, we recommend looking into a breast augmentation to increase volume and size. If you want your breasts smaller, a breast reduction can help. Visit a medically reviewed plastic surgeon for a consultation.

About the Author

Maeve Gesualdi is a Fordham University alumna where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Fashion Studies. Based in New York City, Maeve is part of the marketing team at Glamorise. Maeve regularly interacts with customers via social media and product reviews, as well as with influencers and models. She is constantly getting feedback on our products as well as gaining a better understanding of what women in our category struggle with and/or look for when searching for a bra. Aside from writing, she is passionate about all things travel and fashion.

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