Self-care should be as simple as brushing your teeth: something you just do on a daily basis that improves your lifestyle and mood. After all, taking care of yourself both mentally and physically isn’t selfish — it’s essential. Here are 3 easy ways to incorporate wellness into your daily routine.

1. Organize Your Space

Organization is key! Decluttering the space around you will also help declutter your mind. Maybe you’ve got some clutter taking up space on your desk, some clothes you’ve been meaning to clear out of your closet, or maybe your bra drawer is overflowing with old styles. If you’re holding onto bras with washed out fabrics, stretched out straps, or misshapen underwires, it’s time to ditch them. Need some bra organization tips? Check out our how-to guide to folding bras here. Taking some time to organize your space and part with things that you no longer need can help bring much-needed clarity and let you focus your time more efficiently overall.



2. Get Your Body Moving

Getting your body moving is one of the easiest ways to incorporate wellness into your routine. Whether it’s simply going for a walk, doing some light yoga stretches, or a full-out HIIT workout, exercise has countless benefits for both your mind and body and can elevate both your mental and physical health. Setting aside some time to get your heart rate pumping a few days each week will do wonders for your overall well being.


3. Set Aside Time to Relax

We get it — life can be, and usually is, hectic. That being said, it’s because life is hectic that carving out time to take care of yourself is so essential. This doesn’t mean you need to do anything fancy. Relaxation can be something as simple as cooking a nice dinner, taking a long bath, or reading a book before bed. We all need time to recharge in one way or another, so identifying what brings you peace and penciling it into your schedule is a self-care must.



Author: Maeve Gesualdi
Last updated on: 9/15/21

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