The world is a crazy place right now, and that can make getting some of the necessities extremely difficult. Some of the simplest tasks, like grocery shopping, have become stressful treks. It can be near impossible to do almost anything in-person without taking precautions.
Unfortunately, that could make something as necessary as a bra fitting pretty low on the priority list. Stop right there, though. Having a well-fitting bra is not only important for your daily life but your overall health. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about going anywhere to get a bra fitting; you just have to log in to a computer.

Why Get a Virtual Fitting
Here’s a surprising fact; most women don’t have a bra that fits properly. Whether you are stuck wearing a dinosaur of a bra or your band keeps slipping, most women just don’t have the proper size. Getting your measurements can be a little tricky, especially if you don’t know what to do.
Before these troubling times, getting an in-person fitting depended on how close you lived to a lingerie shop. Plus, if you are introverted or have qualms with someone else measuring you, it can get uncomfortable.
Now, it’s even harder, considering the social distancing precautions. However, shopping online has become the way to get a bra. Still, you need to know what size you are before you buy. If you don’t, you could be throwing money away or cause your body plenty of discomfort.
Lucky for us, the internet has a solution; virtual fittings. A virtual fitting can make finding the right size bra a breeze. With a short appointment, a measuring tape, and a few simple questions, you can be shopping for the perfect fit with your exact measurements in no time. That sure beats driving somewhere and having someone wrap tape around your chest. So, how exactly does a virtual fitting work?
How a Virtual Fitting Works
For the last few years, stores have toyed with the idea of a virtual fitting, but our current state has allowed us to perfect it. While it may seem like a complicated process, it’s quite the opposite. All you need to do is provide a few crucial details. Here’s what you need.
1. The Size, Fit, and Brand of Your Current Bra
Let’s take a look at the bra you’re wearing now. What size is it? How does the band feel? How are the cups? The key to finding out if your current bra fits is in the details. What issues are you experiencing, and what level of discomfort?
If your band is sliding up or pinching your skin, you may be wearing the incorrect band size. If your breasts are swimming or spilling out the cups, you may need to change your cup size. Consider any issues you may be having: the underwire digging, the straps slipping or pinching, uni-boob, or back fat. All of these are signs that your bra size needs to change.
2. Your Current Measurements
So, we’ve examined what you’re currently wearing. Now, it’s time to get your updated measurements. To get the proper measurements, make sure you’re using a soft tape measure or a long piece of cord. You’ll need to make a total of three measurements.
For the first measurement, take the tape around your body just above your breasts. The tape should sit snugly around your body. After recording the first measurement, the second measurement should circle your body underneath the breasts.
Again, the tape should be snug. Finally, for the third measurement, hold the measuring tape around your body over the largest part of your breasts. This measurement should sit closely but doesn’t need to be snug like the others.
To make sure you have the best measurements possible, make sure you are wearing your best bra, preferably without padding. Stand with your shoulders back and your chest out. These tips should help you get the measurements you need to continue.
3. The Type of Bra You Want
Of course, before you go looking for a new bra, you should have some idea of what you want. Do you want a sports bra, an underwire, something with lace? Do you prefer bras with wider straps, a front closure, or do you require a lot of padding? Knowing what you want can help take the guesswork out.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Another thing to keep in mind when taking your measurements is pregnancy. If you are pregnant or nursing, there is a chance that your breast will change in size. Often, pregnancy will cause your breasts to grow, and breastfeeding can increase the size further.
Likewise, after you give birth, your breasts may shrink to their original size. Also, if you stop breastfeeding, your breasts may shrink as well. If you are getting a virtual fitting, be sure to include this info.
Virtual Guide
After you’ve gathered and given all the necessary information, you can have your virtual fitting. While some instances require you just to fill out a form with your info and what you’re looking for, others may involve an expert. Whether you have an expert walking you through, or you are provided with all the information you need, this takes the guesswork out of bra shopping.
Way of The Future
While staying home all the time may not be ideal, taking the pressure away from getting a bra fitting is pretty amazing. Rather than driving to a local store and getting prodded by some stranger, you can take care of everything virtually, without wasting the gas.
In-person fittings will still exist, but having a virtual option is great. Now there’s no excuse not to have your right size. Try a virtual fitting today.
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