Mothers are real-life superheroes — yet even superheroes need to ask for help sometimes. When Tai Taylor had her second child, she struggled to balance the challenges of motherhood while also looking after her own mental health. As she asked for help and took to researching on her own, she started her blog MomWifeBossLife as a platform to share advice she’d learned with other moms in her life. “Through MWBL, I've created a safe space to encourage and inspire other moms while sharing the highs and lows of this Mom, Wife, Boss, Life,” says Tai. “I love sharing strategies, tips, and motivation for other moms who would otherwise suffer in silence.”

Keep reading our Q&A with Tai below where we discuss mental health, the importance of a good self-care routine, and of course, all things mama-hood.

Hi Tai! We’re so excited to chat with you. Can you share a bit about what inspired you to start your blog and Instagram?

I am so happy to chat with you as well. I started MomWifeBossLife after giving birth to my second child. As a mom of a school-aged child, I definitely underestimated the toll adding to our family would have on me both physically and mentally. When I shared my struggles with my partner and friends, and family, I was repeatedly told that this was normal and would pass. Spoiler alert, it did not pass. So I did what many people do when they think they are failing at something, I tried harder. I tried to be the best mother, wife, and leader that I could possibly be, and I lost myself in the process. I neglected my own needs, I neglected my body, and I began to fall apart. When I ended up in the hospital for exhaustion, anxiety, and depression, I knew something had to change, so I started researching.

I knew there had to be a better way, and as I started learning new strategies, I began to share them with friends and families via social media. Through doing this, I realized how many moms have the same experiences.

What are your top tips for other busy moms struggling to juggle it all?

Well, one, you have to make self-care a priority, and that could look many different ways. Maybe it's establishing a consistent morning routine so that you have a moment to yourself before the day gets crazy; perhaps it's exercise or therapy. Whatever it is, make it a priority so that your needs don't fall to the wayside. Remember, you're important too.

Next, be a savage about your time. Know where your time is going, know what things can be automated to save you time, and be intentional about how you spend your time. If not, you'll learn that you waste so much time on things that are not important instead of using time on activities that bring you and your family peace and joy. Last, ask for help. So many times, we are afraid to ask for help because we don't want to appear weak or incapable. Forget that!! Asking for help is the only way we're all going to survive this motherhood thing.

If nothing else, what’s the one thing you hope other moms take away from your content?

If nothing else, I hope moms realize that they are not alone. Some hide it better, but we are ALL struggling, and that's ok. The goal is not to avoid struggle; the goal is to learn how to be resilient and learn strategies to overcome those struggles.

What do you cherish most about being a mother?

Motherhood is unique in that it is messy, unpredictable, and one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but motherhood is also the most rewarding part of my life. When my children are joyful, it's the most amazing feeling ever, and it makes the hard days worth it.

What is one piece of advice you would give a first-time mom?

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to raise a mama. So lean into your support system, and if you don't have a support system, find one. It takes a ton of vulnerability to admit you need help, but we all need each other, and trust me, every mama is looking for her tribe.

When you’re not busy being a Mom yourself or inspiring other mothers out there, how do you love to spend your free time?

I love this question. I'm a bit of an introvert, so when I'm not spending time with my very intimate group of friends, you can find me at a local coffee shop, bookshop, or park reading and just enjoying the moment. I LOVE to travel and spend a lot of time either on vacation or planning my next one. Also, I love a nice glass of wine.

What are your favorite ways to incorporate self-care into your routine?

I try to make self-care a part of my daily life. I start with my morning routine, which includes journaling, reading, meditation, and exercise. I'm also really into skincare, so I take extra long showers so that I can give my skin some consistent TLC. I'm also into aromatherapy, so I have lots of candles and diffusers around, which are great for a quick mood booster. But mainly, I make sure to incorporate breaks into my day to listen to my body and let my body tell me what it needs.

Do you have any exciting plans in the works for MomWifeBossLife?

Yes, I actually do. Stay tuned; the podcast is on the way, premiering soon.

Do you have a mantra that you live by?

The mantra that I live by every day is #doitanyway.

Author: Maeve Gesualdi
Last updated on: 8/30/21
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