If you aren’t already following plus model Anastasia Furrow on Instagram, what’s stopping you? Furrow has her effortless cool-girl style down to a T, but also never fails to keep it real and relatable with her followers.
Like all of us, Furrow’s everyday routine during the pandemic looks a bit different than normal. As someone with two auto-immune diseases, this has been an especially stressful time for her, but she’s keeping up her work-from-home routine while still looking as stylish as ever.
We recently caught up with Furrow on what she loves about her career, some of her bucket list goals, and plans for post-quarantine.

Hi Anastasia! We’re so excited to get to know you. Can you tell us a bit about how you got started as a model?
I want to say it was 2010. My friend’s sister had an Etsy shop selling vintage clothes and would ask us to model for her all the time.
I’ve always loved fashion and modeling, so this was something I looked forward to and had a blast with! One day while shooting, my friend’s sister mentioned “You’re so great at this, you should be a plus model!”
At the time, I had no idea that there was an industry for plus models. I went online and found models like Crystal Renn, Tara Lynn, Candice Huffine, and Denise Bidot.
I was FLOORED and at that moment decided it was something I needed to pursue. It took a few years, but finally in 2014, I submitted myself to my agency, NIYA Management, and within a week they called to meet with me in person and signed me.
I'm so grateful to have found a mother agent who genuinely supports true diversity within the industry, especially here in Utah!
You work in such an exciting and inspirational industry! Who are some people you personally look up to?
Wow, honestly there are so many. All of them being my friends LOL....Gabi Gregg, Nicolette Mason, Charlotte Zoller, Kellie Brown, Kelly Augustine, Alex LaRosa, Callie Thorpe, Jessica Torres, Natalie Hage, Lydia Hudgens, Jazzmyne Jay, Alex Michael May, Chastity Garner Valentine, Danielle Vanier.
Every person listed wows me with their incredible talents, work ethic, creativity, good morals, and genuine support for one another. They are all honest with who they are and they continue to be successful because of it.
I hope to grow successful like them, but more importantly stay grounded and stay true to myself along this journey.

What do you love most about being a plus‐size model?
Of course, the act of modeling and creating art brings me immense joy and pleasure. But, meeting new people and the vulnerability it takes is something that feeds my soul.
I’ve had the opportunity to travel to new places alone and walk on set not knowing anyone, but ending the day feeling full of love, empowered, and more educated. I love hearing peoples’ stories and experiences and I’m glad that modeling has helped bring that to me.
It goes without saying that life right now looks a bit different than usual. What does the typical day at home during quarantine look like for you?
I'm very grateful and fortunate to have a full time job right now. My company has made it easily available for us to all work from home, so I stick to a solid 9 to 5 schedule during the week.
I wake up, get ready, make my coffee, take my vitamins, and sit in front of my red light therapy device for 20 minutes to meditate before turning on the computer and logging on. During my lunch break I usually go on a walk to get some fresh air every day, and then if I'm feeling up to it, I'll go on another walk later in the evening after dinner.
As a person with two autoimmune diseases, what has been the scariest or most frustrating part of quarantine?
Having Lupus and Hashimotos can be (and is) frustrating without a global pandemic. Chronic illness is such a hard thing to navigate, and affects everyone who has it differently.
For me, I am able to manage my autoimmunity without medication and for the most part feel "normal". With that being said, I can easily over exert myself and cause a flare up that will knock me out.
Just this week alone I have been dealing with digestive issues that have also triggered psoriasis rashes on my face and I have no idea what caused it. My body is extremely sensitive to inflammation (as in it overreacts) so my anxiety over contracting a new and unknown virus is scary to me.
I’ve minimized going out to grocery shopping and essentials, but I don’t leave the house without a mask, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes.

Have you been binging any exciting series while at home?
At the beginning of quarantine I blew through HBO’s Succession. I also rented and loved the new Emma film. Lately, my boyfriend and I find ourselves watching multiple episodes of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives, and I think it’s out of need of something comforting!
Can you share some of your career and personal goals on your bucket list?
Career-wise I would love to land some beauty campaigns for Glossier, Mac, Pat McGrath Labs. Shooting a Target campaign is also a huge dream of mine because it’s somewhere I’ve shopped since I was a kid.
Vogue cover too, duh! Personally, I would love to travel to more countries. I barely got my passport at the end of 2019 with plans to travel this year, but then COVID happened.
Do you have any mantras that you live by?
I am worthy and open to receiving anything I want.
It’s safe to say that everyone’s everyday style looks a bit different than in normal times. What kind of bras do you wear while at home? Do you have a go‐to loungewear look?
I’m obsessed with bralettes and basically only wear those 24/7! Most days you’ll find me in a t‐shirt and biker shorts.
Are the bras you prefer to wear everyday now different than the bras you wore before COVID?
Maybe a little, but not much. I would rotate between wire bras and bralettes pretty regularly throughout the week. Since working from home, I’ve stuck to bralettes only.
We have to ask: what is your favorite Glamorise bra? Tell us why you love it!
I love the WonderWire Front-Close Stretch Lace Bra! I have this one in the color Cafe, and enjoy how easy it is to put on and take off! I’ve never been a front closure bra type of girl, but this bra definitely changed me!
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?
Trust myself more.
Last but not least, what will be the first thing on your agenda after the pandemic?
Vacation with previously mentioned friends on a tropical beach ASAP!
Author: Maeve Gesualdi
Last updated on: 8/4/21
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